What's ADmantX

ADmantX brochure

ADmantX – Spot-on Advertising

ADmantx is a web service that lets you develop accurate ad campaigns, leverage the power of social collaboration and test the effectiveness of your ad messages in real time.

Based on the Semantic Web, natural language processing and social collaboration features, publishers, ad networks and DSPs, brand managers and agencies use ADmantX to develop effective online advertising campaigns.

Are you reaching your target audience online?

Online advertising costs increase each year, but targeting and matching content to ads is harder than ever. Effective online ads must be related to the content with pinpoint accuracy. At the same time, brands must be protected from negative associations.

ADmantX allows companies to reach their online advertising targets more effectively by providing precise, real-time information about the content of a web page (as well as blogs and social networks). Using semantic technology, ADmantX offers an increased visibility of web content and conveys the feelings they transmit to readers. Real-time monitoring and the use of sentiment analysis allow ads to be more relevant and not misplaced in order to maximise the website visitor's receptiveness to advertising content and minimize ads placement next to content that may produce counterproductive effects.

Why ADmantX works so well. (And what is an admant?)

Because ADmantX interprets content just like you do, it is able to put into context around the people, places, brands and companies, things, ideas and concepts the content describes. ADmantX can also identify the sentiment, emotions, behaviors and motivations that the content elicits in readers. Together, these elements make for a rich and pinpointed match between content, emotion and online advertising. We call these insights into the brand you want to advertise, "admants."

We invented ADmantX to;
  • Accurately match ads with content
  • Engage readers
  • Maximize impressions
  • Utilize all content
  • Protect your brand online
Try ADmantX now! Create your first admant - it’s easy!